Environment News

Organic community garden coming to Wednesfield

Exciting plans are afoot for an organic community garden in Wednesfield!

On the back of last year’s Make Shift event which encouraged people to ‘change Wolverhampton with an idea’, Our Own Future, an organisation that aims to create opportunities for local people, is planning to start a organic community garden in Wednesfield.

The site which is situated in Lich Avenue will operate as a place for people to learn about organic gardening, help out with setting it up, tend to it over the months and work together as a community group.

The plan is that whoever takes part in this venture will be able to take the produce that is grown for free, which includes people who might have, say, helped build a tool shed or greenhouse but don’t necessarily wish to take part in gardening.

The community group will also get resources such as tools and building materials for free wherever possible to show that something substantial can be set up for practically no cost.

Wednesfield High School will be involved in the garden and students will grow food organically, which they will then use to make soup for homeless people and the charity Catch 22 will also be involved in the project.

If you would like to get involved, whether you have gardening skills or not, please contact Elliott at Our Own Future for more information: ourownfuture@gmail.comFacebook Page / website.

Photo: Susy Morris @ Flickr.

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