2015 Elections Elections News Politics

Questions 2 on CCGs plans to cut 130 staff at New Cross and the proposed closure of the dementia ward #WNEhustinsg

Questions from the Wolverhampton North East Hustings at St Thomas Church on 23rd April, 2015.

In your party manifestos you’ve all made a pledge to save the NHS from spending cuts – but can you comment on the CCGs plans to cut 130 staff at New Cross and the proposed closure of the dementia ward?

This is a paraphrase of the questions and answers at tonight’s Wolverhampton North East Hustings  at St Thomas’ Church

Becky Cooper – Green Party

The funds haven’t been properly allocated so we will end the privatization of the NHS.  We will immediately increase the NHS budget and it will continue to increase annually – and we will respect the pay review to bring pay back in line with inflation.

We want to supply out of hours health cafe – that are accessible out of working hours as I find it impossible to get an appointment.

We want to improve cancer diagnoses my family has a history of misdiagnoses and problems and we need to end the post code lottery in health.

Darren Henry – Conservative

Certainly we talked about having 8 billion spent o the heath service and the 2014 social health act comes in this month that links social services and NHS. so the key to it is we don’t have dementia patients in hospital that don’t need to be there. We need get people who are in bed in hospitals back into social care. And carers need to be employed.

In the NHS more widely we’re pledging a 7 day a week services – so you can get hold of a GP at any time. we have already shown with our track record that we can keep tha momentum going.

Star Etheridge – UKIP

Axing 130 nurses what planet are these people on? IN UKIP we have dedicated policy on dementia in our manifesto as we have to make sure the care is there for the people who need it. We want to increse carers allowance in line with job seekers allowance.

UKIP have not said they will charge for GP visits and we will end the privatization of the NHS we believe the NHS should always be free at the the point of delivery for UK citizens.

Ian Jenkins – Lib Dem

I’m disgusted at the plan to axe 130 nurses considering the extra patients New Cross are taking considering the debacle around Stafford hospital.

We want to increase spending on the NHS. We have to look at preventative medicine, sugar in our diet diabetes is a huge problem and I am a diabetic myself, we also need to look and minimum pricing for Alcohol .

Emma Reynolds – Labour

I am opposed to the plans you talk about to axe these nurses, New cross is under pressure as it is. Nurses are under pressure in their wards. Labour have a fully costed plan through tax levy’s on homes over £2 million pounds, and taxation on tobacco products,

I think it is important that we invest in new staff, and reverse the health and social care act that is driving privatization in the NHS. Social Care is problem due to local government cuts made the conservatives.

I spent a day on the dementia ward and I know they are under threat I will do all that I can to make sure the dementia service is kept.

I am opposed to both of the things you have asked about.


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