
Hickman Residents Association invite you to their fun day

Nothing planned for the up and coming bank holiday? Then why not attend a fun day where all are welcome?

Groups Housing Kid's Stuff News Outdoors Residential

Hickman Estate Spring Bank Fair

The Hickman Tenants and Residents Association invite you to their Spring Bank Fair funday at the Tenants Room, Plym Close by Wodnesfield Tower this Saturday March 27th from 10 – 2pm. There will be a Bouncy Castle, Punch & Judy Show, Brass Band, an appearance by the local Fire service and many, many other fun […]

Groups News Residential

Ashmore Park Resident’s Association Meeting

Local community campaigner Irene Dodd recently contacted us with some information about the Ashmore Park Resident’s Association: “The next meeting of the Ashmore Park Resident’s Association takes place on Wednesday September 2nd at 7pm. Meetings are held at the Community Centre on Griffiths Drive. Please come and help us to work for our estate by […]

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