We have received an email from the secretary of the Ashmore Park PACT meetings with a warning for all Wednesfield residents: There have been two men posing as “water board” officials trying to get into houses around the area. The local Police are aware of this issue. Remember to be vigilant. Ask for ID when […]
Category: Advice
The next Ashmore Park Police Liaison meeting which isheld at the Community Centre on Griffiths Drive takes place next Tuesday 26th January at 7pm.
Christmas is fast approaching which means in a few days time many of us will have piles of wrapping paper, cardboard packaging and maybe even the odd wine bottle or beer can lying around waiting to be disposed of. Whilst Wolverhampton City Council has taken steps to make kerbside recycling relatively easy for residents, it […]
If a bus shelter you use is damaged or has a fault, such as the lighting not working, damage to seats, or timetables missing, you can report the problem to Network West Midlands who will then pass the fault onto the agency responsible for maintenance of the shelter. Make sure you take a note of […]
WV11 Jobs.
Occasionally we will write an article about the opening or expanding of a business in our area, and while in today’s economy this is always a happy thing to be reporting on, unfortunately this doesn’t mean we have information pertaining to any jobs, or the application process to get jobs in any of the places […]
The next Ashmore Park Police Liaison meeting takes place at the Community Centre on Griffiths Drive, on Tuesday 24th November at 7pm. For more information, see our previous article.
If like me, you regularly forget which week you need to put your roadside recycling out for collection, you can now contact City Direct on 01902 551155 and request a calendar specifically for your street/household. How useful! If any residents of WV11 wish to find out their recycling and waste collection days/dates they can contact […]