We recently received the following email from West Mercia County Scouts:
Our organisation is actively searching for a suitable candidate for the role of County Explorer Scout Commissioner. We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic person to lead the section at county level and help the County Commissioner, district commissioners and District Explorer Scout Commissioners to progress the Explorer Scout Section in our 10 districts.
Prior experience as an adult member of the association is not a pre requisite to be considered for this position, but enthusiasm, drive, commitment and sense of fun is!
If you or someone you know would like more information please see either the attached role description or contact me direct for a chat – the deadline is 28th February 2011.
[gview file=”https://www.wv11.co.uk/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/CESC-or-ACC-explorers.pdf”]
Thank You
Paul Wong
County Commissioner –West Mercia
The Scout Association
Web: www.westmerciascoutcounty.org.uk
Email: westmerciacc@live.co.uk
Tel: 0121 421 2019 Mob: 07979 803141
Join the adventure at www.scouts.org.uk/join