TATA Steel Automotive based in Wednesfield, Wolverhampton are this year raising money for Marie Curie Cancer Care.  As part of their fund-raising campaign  employees have arranged a charity gig at the Robin 2 Club in Bilston on the 31st July.
The line up included MEZZOTONIC (Headliners), The Limelight (as previously featured on WV11), Diamond Lil, Flatline Stereo, Adam Carr and Sam Draisey.
The night kicks off at 7:30pm, with doors opening at 7:00pm and is due to finish at 11:30pm.
Tickets are £3.50 in advance and £4.00 on the door with 60% of the takings going to the charity and can be bought online here.
More information can be found online at www.wvgig.co.uk and you can contact Adam Carr for details on ajcarr1989@gmail.com.