You may already be aware of the website, which helps you report common street problems – such as potholes and uneven pavements – to the relevant local council.
This year, the website is running a ‘Fix before the Freeze’ campaign to encourage the public to report problems in their neighbourhood that could become worse once the winter weather really sets in.
Many of the 1,000 issues which the site deals with every week are of the sort which are far better seen to before the big freeze. Potholes only worsen with the frost, and no-one wants a dodgy street light once the long dark nights are here.
How to join ‘Fix Before the Freeze’
- Check for problems Will your walk home from work tonight be in the dark? Look out for areas that could be better lit or paths that might cause people to stumble in the dark.
- Report it If you see something that is better fixed before the freeze, now’s the time to let the council know. It only take a minute at
- Spread the word You can share this post on Facebook,  Twitter or Google+  just use the buttons at the bottom of this post to spread the word among friends and family (you can use the #FB4TF hashtag).