We’re encouraging wednesfield residents – and indeed to the whole of Wolverhampton to sign up to www.streetbank.com – the free sharing website whose aim is to bring communities together.
By signing up to Streetbank you can find people in your area with things to give away, skills to share and items to to lend. From lawn mowers and ladders to cooking lessons and web support you can find someone to help online, set your distance, find your neighbours and get connected.
FAQ from Streetbank
So what’s all this then?
Streetbank is a site that helps you share and borrow things from your neighbours. Streetbank is meant for everyone. It is not for private benefit – for individuals to make a profit or professionals to sell their services. It is for the common good. Of course, you may already share things with your neighbours, in which case, don’t let us stop you!
But why would I want to do that?
Well since you ask, communities that help each other are closer, nicer, and friendlier to live in. Streetbank can help make your neighbourhood a nicer place.
How do I start?
Sign up with your name and postcode (or address if you live outside of the UK), add one item, skill or recommendation and see all the items within one mile radius of your home. It’s all completely free and you can cancel your account at any time if you don’t like it.
In fact, it’s so great we suggest you sign up now
One reply on “Wolverhampton get sharing via Streetbank”
I posted something on Streetbank a few weeks ago, something I needed to get rid of to clear the garage. Someone yesterday has been in contact with me about picking it up, so I can vouch that it does seem to work, it just takes everyone to get involved to build up a nice stable of ‘stuff’.