Consumer News Travel

Council revokes Wolverhampton Taxi firm’s operating license

Wolverhampton’s Westside Radio Cars has had its licence revoked after officers uncovered serious issues that jeopardised public safety.

Wolverhampton’s Westside Radio Cars has had its licence revoked after officers uncovered serious issues that jeopardised public safety.

Wolverhampton City Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee met on Friday (OCT 11) and revoked the operating licence of the company, which is based in Stafford Street.

The committee heard evidence that the company had used cars that were unlicensed and uninsured.

Councillor John Reynolds, Wolverhampton City Council’s Cabinet Member for City Services, said: “Ensuring public safety is of paramount importance for the council when licensing taxi drivers, vehicles and operators.

“The council does not take decisions such as revoking the licence of an existing business lightly and our licensing staff work hard to support operators to ensure they meet the relevant requirements.

“However, the safety of the public must not be compromised and when that is put at risk, we will not hesitate to take action.”

The operator has 21 days to appeal the decision to Magistrates Court and may continue to trade during this period, pending any subsequent appeal.

What do you think? Do you feel safe travelling with Westside given the Council’s action?

Photo: Google Street View.

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