WV11.co.uk are shocked to bring you an exclusive photo of a Bigfoot spotted in Wednesfield!
This amazing photo was taken by local man Alf Liroop as he was out walking his dog early this morning.
Mr Liroop, who walking in the woods on Waddens Brook Lane, bordering Fibersley Nature Reserve said that his dog Henderson began acting strangely and hid behind a tree, shortly before the 8 ft tall Sasquatch lumbered into sight.
A Wolverhampton City Council spokesperson said:
“For years historians have questioned how such a small number of Saxons managed to defeat the Danes at the Battle of Wodensfield, perhaps they had some help?
“This sighting of Bigfoot is great news for the local economy and we expect to see a resurgence of Wednesfield’s once world-renowned trap making industry.”
Have you spotted the Bigfoot in Wednesfield? If so, send your images to info@wv11.co.uk and we’ll post the best ones on our Facebook page.
6 replies on “Bigfoot sighting in Wednesfield!”
Aprils fools hey!
[…] interamente dedicata ai ciclisti. Mentre, in materia di animali, due nuovi avvistamenti di BigFoot e Nessie rimettono in discussione la geo-zoologia magica come siamo abituati a […]
Nice try. Same tree rootball from last year’s report.
April Fool lol
however i did see a sighting of an unexplained figure in the same area, it was a sighting of Ray Fellows Local Historian looking for evidence of the Battle of Wodensfield in is fur coat and russian style hat lol
I investigated this case in Pennsylvania back in the summer of 2013. This article above used the same photo that was taken in Bradford Pennsylvania. It is a Tree Root from a fallen tree. I spoke to the Pennsyalvania Game Comission Officer Grochek who was there a few days after these photos were taken and confirmed it was a tree root.. Cryptomundo posted the story back then and if you go to the article and scroll down through the photos you’ll see that one of the photos in the Cryptomundo article is the same photo this newspaper story used in their story. . http://cryptomundo.com/bigfoot-report/two-bigfoot-photographed-near-bradford-pa/