PCC invites nominations of people or groups who have made exceptional contributions to their community
People across the West Midlands are being invited to nominate people who they think deserve a special thank you for their services to the community.
Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson would like to give people the opportunity to show their appreciation to unsung heroes or heroines who are worthy of recognition for outstanding acts of good citizenship.
Anyone how knows of a volunteer or community member or community group who have shown consistent dedication to their community over a period of time, giving up their own time and helping others in ways which contribute to community safety or
reduce crime and disorder is welcome to make a nomination.
There are three categories, which are:
- Outstanding Citizen
- Outstanding Young Citizen (under the age of 18)
- Outstanding Community Project
Further details and nomination forms are available on the website.
Closing date for nominations is 31 March 2015
For enquiries about the awards, contact 0121 626 6060