2015 Elections Elections News Politics

Question 1 – What are you proposing to do for unemployed young people in Wton? #WNEhustings

Question 1 from the Wolverhampton North East Hustings at St Thomas Church on 23rd April, 2015.

Rev Nick Watson

The first question has been submitted via email by Stacey.

Ian Jenkins – Lib Dems

Pleased that coalition has introduced 2 million apprenticeships across UK, but this is dependent on educational standards. We have to maintain spending on education and this is the key to anyone’s personal development. Unemployment has started to go down and Ian is pleased to see 1,400 new jobs at Jaguar Land Rover and beyond, although he’s not convinced they will all be local people – but it’s a start.

Ian added that in order for jobs and employment prospects to improve, we must  stay in the EU.

Emma Reynolds – Labour

Labour will introduce a compulsory jobs guarantee, with a guaranteed job and training for young people who have been out of work long term, Labour will protect education spending and Emma personally wants to create a system that values vocational qualifications just as much as academic qualifications. For those who wish to attend Uni, tuition fees will be reduced from £9K to £6K – she previously voted against the rise in parliament and is worried about debt young people face.

Star Etheridge – UKIP

What to do? Star went to a local job centre when younger and hand picked local jobs to apply for and she feels we need businesses and local people to set up their own businesses, she feels that vocational studies should be brought to the fore, giving people an alternative route to the academic one. She feels that  children should be able to learn vocational skills and gain jobs that you don’t need a degree for.

She added that Wolverhampton city centre isn’t as vibrant as it used to be and needs revitalising as the perception puts people off investing and people doing this is a must.

Becky Cooper – Green

Becky says as a teacher her focus is on education and says poverty is a real issue and work needs to be done on raising aspirations and educational levels. Having taught in a pupil referral unit she has seen young people that have been excluded from school and they often need aspirations uplifting support from many areas that have faced cuts; such as schools and youth centres.

Becky also says young people of 16+ should be allowed to vote and have a say in their futures.

Darren Henry – Conservatives

Cons will work on apprenticeships as we need the lift of as many jobs as possible in the UK. When you’re in work it’s important to be able to live and be supported when needed and the Cons are rolling out universal credit to both those unemployed and on low incomes. Personal tax free allowance will be raised and those on min wage will pay no tax at all.

1800 less people in Wton claiming JSA, it’s great that 1400 jobs have been created in Wton. Darren claims George Osbourne created the conditions for JLR to come to Wton and local infrastructure has been improved due to this.

He adds that small biz is life blood of the UK and increasing this is important.

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