We have recently received two reports of Cats being shot with air guns in Ashmore Park and local residents are now concerned that there maybe someone nearby who is targeting cats.
Last week the Express & Star reported on Smokey, a two-year-old grey and white rescue cat, who was left with a bad infection and is now scared to go outside, after owner Sally Edwards of Gadsby Avenue, Ashmore Park discovered a small hole left by an air gun pellet in her cat’s chest.
She was told by vets at E C Straiton & Partners in Penkridge that the pellet from a .177 air gun could have been lodged in the animal’s chest for up to 10 days, before it fell out, causing the infection.
We have also received an email from a resident in Clanfield Avenue, Ashmore Park whose cat was shot and subsequently died on the 21st June.
RSPCA spokeswoman Judith Haw said: “We urge people to contact the police as soon as possible if they see an animal being hurt. “Unfortunately, there have been a lot of air gun attacks in Wolverhampton. It has been a problem for many years.â€
We hope to raise this issue at tonight’s (Tues) PACT meeting which takes place at Ashmore Park Community Centre from 7pm and would like to hear from any other residents that have been affected by such incidents. Perhaps your pet has been injured or perhaps you’ve heard air guns being fired nearby? If so, please email us or call/text us on 07855 409 319.
2 replies on “Two cats shot in Ashmore Park”
On perry hall I’ve heard guns shots a few times. Mainly from the Albion Pub during the world cup. Hope PACT are going to shed some action on it.
4 cat missing from merrick road ashmore park spoken to anther lady and sg=he as had 7 go missing