Advice News

Local Resident Raises Concerns Over Computer Phone Scam

This morning we received a call from a concerned WV11 resident asking us to make you all aware of a scam that that is again doing the rounds.

This morning we received a call from a concerned WV11 resident asking us to make you all aware of a scam that that is again doing the rounds.

Fraudsters are calling people up claiming to the from their internet provider, from Microsoft windows or from a anti virus company saying there is problems with their computer and asking them to run some checks and install some software onto their machines.

This is often a malicious  attempt to gain remote access to your computer and once they’ve done this the fraudsters can then gain access to all the important files contained there. Further to this they will also ask for some form of payment probably using your debit / credit card which once they have the details leaves it open for further misuse.

The lady we spoke to this morning had just received one of these calls herself, but being savvy to the threat of cyber criminals politely informed the caller that she hadn’t got a computer and he swiftly hung up. She has reported the incident to the authorities and then called WV11 asking us to alert other readers to this threat.

This type of crime is nothing new but does seem to be having some kind of national resurgence at the moment with fraud attempts being reported across the country so just beware.

If you have any news or events to tell  WV11 about get in touch via our contact page or call / text us on 07855 409 319.

Image by damirme/Flickr  used under CC license.

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