Advice News

Home security tips from Neighbourhood Wardens

Recently we asked neighbourhood warden John to give us his top ten home security tips.

Advice Policing

Burglary Advice for local residents

Due to a recent spate of burglaries in the area we thought a timely post with burglary advice from West Midlands Police would be in order: In three out of 10 burglaries, thieves do not have to use force, they get in through an open door or window. You can reduce your chances of becoming a victim of burglary […]


Adult learners week at Wednesfield Library

Wednesfield Library hosts as series of sessions as part of adult learners week 2012.

Advice Education Employment Health Housing How To News

New drop-in advice centre at Youth Club

A new drop-in service has been launched at Ashmore Park Youth Club.

Advice News

Local Resident Raises Concerns Over Computer Phone Scam

This morning we received a call from a concerned WV11 resident asking us to make you all aware of a scam that that is again doing the rounds.

Business Kid's Stuff News Outdoors

Would you like to become your own boss?

If so, a new service launched by the Wolverhampton Network Consortium could provide you with all the help and advice you need…

Advice Education Kid's Stuff News Policing

West Midlands Police launch ‘Safe Street’ website for kids

A new children’s website was launched recently by West Midlands Police called aimed at providing 5 – 10 year olds with: An understanding of the role of police officers and police staff Safety information Health messages Citizenship advice Some of the key messages on the site are: What is anti-social behaviour and how it […]

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