Wednesfield Canal Festival returns for in August at Bentley Bridge Moorings by The Nickelodeon pub.
Category: Kid’s Stuff
Alongside all the groups that have been busy planting knitting and crocheting as part of Wednesfields entry to the Heart of England in Bloom Competition St Thomas’ Church have been busy arranging a whole series of FREE events for the community to attend both in the church and over in the st Thomas’ Centre (the old […]
Wednesfield Rotary Club will be hitting the streets again this year with Santa and their sleigh in tow.
Under 12’s Halloween Disco
Calling all wizards, witches, zombies and ghouls!
2k run for juniors only (4-14 year olds).
Wolverhampton City Council are consulting with residents and users of the Park.
Easter Egg Hunt Northycote Farm Sunday 5th April