The 2017 Wednesfield In Bloom campaign is underway and volunteers are raising funds for this year’s Heart Of England In Bloom entry in July.
Category: Environment
Alongside all the groups that have been busy planting knitting and crocheting as part of Wednesfields entry to the Heart of England in Bloom Competition St Thomas’ Church have been busy arranging a whole series of FREE events for the community to attend both in the church and over in the st Thomas’ Centre (the old […]
Wednesfield is gearing itself up for the visit of the Heart Of England in Bloom judges on Friday 1 st July.
Wednesfield is set to take part in the Heart Of England In Bloom competition for 2016.
Wolverhampton City Council are consulting with residents and users of the Park.
Having slashed the number of Neighbourhood Wardens across the city, Wolverhampton City Council is now proposing to remove the service altogether.
Severn Trent Water has announced it is spending a total of £960,000 to renew over four miles of water pipes in Wednesfield.