Ashmore Park Community Association, the charity behind The Hub at Ashmore Park have been awarded the top royal award for community groups!
Ashmore Park volunteers win Queen’s Award!

Ashmore Park Community Association, the charity behind The Hub at Ashmore Park have been awarded the top royal award for community groups!
Wednesfield Rotary Club will be hitting the streets again this year with Santa and their sleigh in tow.
Wolverhampton Christian Aid Committee is organising a sponsored walk at Northycote Farm on Saturday 16th May. They’ve held sponsored walks at Northycote for the past three years. The challenge is to see how many 3 km circuits can be walked between 10am and 12.30pm Sponsorship forms are available from Roger Poole on 01902 730507 or
Linzi G Dance School raises over £2500 for leukaemia charity.
A thank you to people of Wednesfield on behalf of the Rotary Club.
The Cinnamon Trust is the national charity for the elderly and terminally ill and their pets looking for volunteers in Wednesfield
After months of planning last Saturday saw Wednesfield Community Fun Day go off without a hitch.