The Rotary Club of Wednesfield have been in touch and asked us to share the following letter on their behalf:
On behalf of Wednesfield Rotary Club I would just like to thank the people of Wednesfield for their wonderful support recently when we made our Christmas Appeal at Sainsbury’s and with our Sleigh.
From Wednesfield sources this year we raised a total of £6872.96 and in addition a further £602.29 came from the Essington area resulting in a grand total of £7475.25. This was a magnificent result and the highest we have ever collected at Xmas. We are extremely grateful to all those who contributed.
The principal cause we are supporting this year is “Childrens’ Cancer Care” at Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital but a significant proportion of the funds we have just raised will also go to other local causes such as Girl Guides and Scouts and local education.
Once again people of Wednesfield, many thanks for your continued support and generosity.
Yours sincerely
Ray Ward
Rotary Club of Wednesfield.
One reply on “Rotary Christmas Collection Raises over £7000 for Charity”
Fabulous Well Done Guys!