The Community Engagement Learning Programme has some interesting free courses over the coming months.

The Community Engagement Learning Programme has some interesting free courses over the coming months.
A new drop-in service has been launched at Ashmore Park Youth Club.
St Thomas’ Church on the High Street is holding it’s Spring Fayre this Saturday, 10am – 12 noon, Stalls will include cakes, books, music, jewellery, bric-a-brac, groceries, the human fruit machine and more. Everyone is welcome! If you attend the Fayre don’t forget to post your pictures to our Flickr Pool or to our Facebook […]
We’ve just reported this problem to Fix My Street. If you know of a similar problem (or any other problem you think the council may be responsible for), report it to Fix My Street and they will send it to the correct council department.
Christmas is fast approaching which means in a few days time many of us will have piles of wrapping paper, cardboard packaging and maybe even the odd wine bottle or beer can lying around waiting to be disposed of. Whilst Wolverhampton City Council has taken steps to make kerbside recycling relatively easy for residents, it […]
If a bus shelter you use is damaged or has a fault, such as the lighting not working, damage to seats, or timetables missing, you can report the problem to Network West Midlands who will then pass the fault onto the agency responsible for maintenance of the shelter. Make sure you take a note of […]