An appeal is being made to catch those responsible for vandalising two pieces of outdoor gym equipment at Ashmore Park.
The items, a rider and a double sit-up bench, were part of a nine-piece gym installed at the Wednesfield park last month thanks to £15,000 in funding from Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust.
The incident is believed to have happened over the weekend of July 2 and 3, 2011, and saw the double sit-up bench destroyed by fire and the seat from the rider ripped off.
Wolverhampton City Council has informed police and is in the process of arranging for the rider to be repaired. The double sit-up bench now has to be removed while the city council considers its options. The rest of the outdoor gym is open as normal.
Rob Willoughby, Wolverhampton City Council’s Assistant Director for Leisure and Communities, said: “This is an outrageous act of vandalism on a brand new facility and, by doing this, the perpetrators have denied local people the chance of using some of the equipment, at least temporarily.
“I would urge anyone who has any information about this incident to contact the police on 0345 113 5000.”
The outdoor gym is one of a number in parks around the city which have been installed to give park users the chance to take part in gentle exercise.
WV11’s thoughts…
In the past couple of months we have received numerous reports from readers of equipment being damaged in the park.
It’s a crying shame that a small minority of mindless idiots are allowed to get away with destroying equipment that the majority of  local people appreciate.
We shall be attending the next PACT meeting and will ask that increased Police patrols and park security are made a PACT priority.
If you would like to see these issue made a priority by the local Police team, please vote on our Facebook Poll to show your support.
Article Source: Wolverhampton City Council