Wolverhampton City Council is seeking the views of local residents and businesses on how they should go about saving £7.8 million in the next year.
It’s no secret that many councils across the country are facing substantial cuts in grants from central Government.
Mounting costs and increased demand for services are putting local councils under increasing pressure to cut costs without affecting vital services.
Savings to dateÂ
Wolverhampton City Council claims to have already made savings of £21 million by being more efficient, restructuring services and reducing staff. Despite this the authority faces a projected budget deficit of £31.5 million in 2012/13.
Have your say
Saving of  £7.8 million need to be made in the next year and up to £ 71 million over the next five years in order to balance the budget.
The council have stated that:
“To meet the challenge we’ve been set, we cannot avoid changes to vital services.
“That is why we are asking all of those who live and work in Wolverhampton to take part in the budget consultation process.
“Put simply, we are asking you to help us keep and improve what’s most important to the city. We want your feedback on the wide range of vital services we provide.
“We’re asking about everything from collecting waste, to meals on wheels, from parks to children’s playgrounds, from reducing crime to repairing roads and much more besides.
“Your views will inform the decisions made by councillors during the budget setting process and the results will be published at the end of the consultation period.”
Take the survey
Take part in the survey to have your say and help shape the future of the city.
Alternatively, call City Direct and ask to take part in the challenge consultation.
Telephone: 01902 551155 or 556556
Consultation closes Wednesday November 30, 2011.