Three Wolverhampton organisations have teamed up with a national charity to try and help reduce hate crime in the city.
Together with the Mayor, Safer Wolverhampton Partnership and Stop Hate UK, Wolverhampton Homes have launched a campaign to raise awareness of hate crime in Wolverhampton.
‘Stop Hate in Wolverhampton’ aims to raise awareness of hate crime, which can be linked to disability, sexual orientation, age, race, ethnicity or gender identity.
Only 18 hate crimes were reported to Wolverhampton Homes last year. There were 252 reported to the police in Wolverhampton, which is a reduction of 32 incidents compared to 2010 figures of 284.
However, according to Stop Hate UK, for every hate crime that is reported, eight go un-reported.
Say ‘No’ to Hate Crime
You can sign up to an online pledge to stop hate in Wolverhampton by visiting Wolverhampton Homes website.
There is also a Facebook page where people can show their support and people can support the campaign on Twitter by using the hashtag #stophate.
WV11 wholeheartedly supports this campaign. We have pledged online and hope you do to!
2 replies on “Join the ‘Stop Hate In Wolverhampton’ campaign”
[…] Stop Hate in Wolverhampton […]
[…] Also discussed at the meeting was the launch of “Stop Hate in Wolverhampton” campaign which launched on 24th January 2012. For more information please see our article. […]