
Bargain family portraits at St Thomas’

St Thomas’ Church throws open its doors to individuals, family groups, couples & friends who would like their photograph taken by professional photographer.

Looking for that perfect present for Mothering Sunday? Then look no further…

On Saturday 10th March, from 10am – 3pm, St Thomas’ Church Wednesfield throws open its doors to individuals, family groups, couples and friends who would like their photograph taken by professional photographer, Steve Elliot.

Steve will be setting up his unique, temporary studio in the church before creating the type of special shots that only the professionals can.

7” x 5” prints presented in a cardboard wallet will be available at the bargain price of £10 for one, £17.50 for two or £25 for three and if that wasn’t a great deal, this size photograph will be available to take home on the day. In addition, anyone having their picture taken will be able to order large canvas prints, mugs, keyrings, different sized prints, digital images and novelty frames, some of which will be available for collection before Mothering Sunday.

All money raised will go towards the St Thomas’ Church and Centre appeal, the proceeds of which will fund essential works to the church building and enable the congregation to open the old library building as a new Church Centre.

It is expected that Steve will be busy and because of this, a limited number of bookable slots are available throughout the day.

If you’d like to make a booking, please contact St Thomas Church, on 01902 723310 or email or simply turn up and wait for your turn in the spotlight!

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