In times of economic downturn it is always nice to hear of businesses doing well, and while some people have passed by the empty Highlights Salon on Griffiths Drive and presumed it has closed we are pleased to be able to say this is not the case at all.
The former Highlights Salon closed it’s doors for 2 weeks to complete a major refurbishment and relaunch which will include an brand new name and opening hours. Good progress has already been made with an entire new frontage and it is scheduled to reopen the week commencing 18th June 2012.
The Ashmore Park shopping parade has always been an important part of the community and while it was sad to lose Lora Crafts and JAC Discount recently it is pleasing to hear other shops such as Fatties Fishing Tackle who have recently moved in the larger premises vacated by JAC and Highlights doing so well.
In comparison with the rest of the city to only have 2 empty units in a shopping area the size of the Ashmore Park Precinct is good going. Hopefully WV11 residents will continue to shop locally and support our independent retailers well into the future,