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Changes to Library, Youth and Community services in Wolverhampton

Residents are being invited to have their say on plans to create a series of Community Hubs around Wolverhampton.

UPDATED 6/7/12:
Please note that all consultation activities are now suspended until after 17th July due to the consultation being ‘called in’ by the leader of the opposition.

This means that plans will be put before the Council’s Scrutiny Board on 17th July and we’ll have more info after this date. Please see Wolverhampton City Council’s press release for further info.


Wolverhampton City Council has announced details of a public consultation around new ‘Community Hubs’.

The proposals (which were first set out in late 2011) would see Libraries, Youth Centres and Community Centres merged into Community Hubs in neighbourhoods across the city.

The Council hopes to save money and improve facilities by operating multiple services from one building or location, instead of from multiple sites as is currently the case.

Despite rumours in the local press, libraries are not closing. The introduction of Community Hubs may mean that some services are relocated, but the idea is to improve these services, not reduce them.

A budget of £3 million has been allocated to create up to 12 ‘Community Hubs’ and 3 larger ‘service hubs’ that would also house health and social services. Presumably this money will be spent on adapting existing buildings as well as to cover the cost of relocation.

Community Hubs in Wednesfield

Under the plans, Wednesfield is set to have Community Hubs in; Ashmore Park (info), Long Knowle (info) and Wednesfield village (info).

In Ashmore Park, the proposals are to:

  1. Move both the library and the community centre into the youth centre to make more flexible use of site, including an added information centre;
  2. Or move the library to the youth centre building and develop greater links with the existing Community Centre.
In Long Knowle the proposal is to:
  1. Change the Library & Community Centre building to provide single entrance with Information point and new signage to all services.

In Wednesfield the proposal is to:

  1. To make the Library and Community Centre building into a Community Hub.  To provide a single entrance to an information point, library and more flexible space with new signage to all services.
So the only major changes proposed in Wednesfield are Ashmore Park Library and Community Centre being relocated – not closed!

How to have your say

As part of the Community Hubs plan Wolverhampton City Council will be running a 12 week public consultation from June 27 to September 18, 2012 which will give residents and service users the opportunity to have their say.

There are 3 ways you can make your views known:

Different languages and other formats, for example, large print and Braille are also available on request from 01902 551155.

According to the Council’s website, all the views from the consultation will be compiled in a report for consideration by Cabinet later this year (expected to be around October time). would love to hear your thoughts on these proposals in the comments, but please make sure you take part in the official consultation if you want the council to take your views into account.

5 replies on “Changes to Library, Youth and Community services in Wolverhampton”

How many books will the library have?  What services will they provide?  Will they be staffed or self service only? How many computers will be available?  Non of this mentioned in the consultation document.

As the article says, more detailed information will be available at the drop in sessions and meetings, details of which can be found here

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