
St Thomas’ Centre Now Open

For the last few years St Thomas’ Church in Wednesfield have been tirelessly fundraising to take over the lease of the old library and bring into back into use as a community centre for the whole area. This Saturday saw the fruits of their labour when Bishop of Lichfield, Jonathon Gledhill officially opened the centre […]

Leisure News

Plans progressing for Ashmore Park’s Community Hub

Plans for Ashmore Park’s new Community Hub are progressing at pace with local people having a direct input.


Cabinet to consider a revised plan for Community Hubs

As a result of the community hubs consultation Wolverhampton City Council have issued the following press release with regards the the revised Community Hubs proposals being considered by cabinet next week: The man leading the consultation to find ways of protecting library, youth and community services in the face of massive Government cuts has thanked the thousands […]

Local Gov News Video

Video: Community Hubs consultation

Wolverhampton City Council has released a video featuring Cllr Elias Mattu discussing the council’s controversial Community Hubs proposals.

Local Gov News

Community Hubs consultation dates

Following Wolverhampton City Council’s controversial plans to merge Libraries, Community Centres and Youth Centres into ‘Community Hubs’ a number of public consultation events have been scheduled to allow residents to find out more about the plans.

Groups Leisure Local Gov News

Changes to Library, Youth and Community services in Wolverhampton

Residents are being invited to have their say on plans to create a series of Community Hubs around Wolverhampton.

Education Environment News Planning

School site to be demolished and sold off

Demolition began this week at the former Danesmore Park Primary School site in Ashmore Park, Wednesfield. The school in Russell Close has been closed since December 2007 and was the victim of a major arson attack in October 2010.

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