Crowdfunding wednesfield’s Christmas lights

Crowdfunding wednesfield’s Christmas lights
Body Perfection Laser Clinic is a brand new business opened just across the border in Willenhall – and they have donated £250 to Wv11 and The Hub at Ashmore Park towards this years Big Lunch – and to add to their generosity they are offering a 25% discount to Wv11 readers on their first treatment, Including: Tattoo Removal IPL […]
Local business we need a sponsor. We are looking for a local business to sponsor our Big Lunch! What we need £250 to fund food and refreshments for our Big Lunch event on Sunday 12th June Our Big Lunch is due to take place at the Hub at Ashmore Park from 12:30pm – 2:30pm and we want […]
Ashmore Park resident and parent to 3 year old Freya cancer sufferer, Craig Powers has been in touch and is asking locals sponsor a charity walk up Snowden, to help raise funds for Birmingham Children’s Hospital’s Cancer Centre appeal.