
Council to build new homes in Wednesfield

City of Wolverhampton Council has earmarked four sites for the first phase of development by its own housing company.

Heritage News

Staffordshire Hoard comes to Wednesfield!

Wednesfield History Society is bringing the Staffordshire Hoard Mercian Trail Community Touring Exhibition to Wednesfield!

Appeal News

Suspected arson in vacant Wednesfield High blaze

Police and fire investigation officials have stated that they suspect the blaze at the derelict Wednesfield High School site was arson.

Charity Events News

Wednesfield High Community Fun Day

Wednesfield High School will be holding a charity community fun day on Saturday 14th June 2014.

Education News

Wednesfield High unveils new sports hall

The first phase of the multi-million-pound transformation of Wednesfield High is complete.

Education News

Artist impressions of new-look Wednedfield schools

Work will begin soon on the next stage of the multi-million-pound transformation of several secondary schools in Wednesfield after the Government approved plans for the latest phase of work. Artists impressions reveal sleek, modern looking school buildings.

Education News

Wednesfield schools only facing minor BSF cuts

Wolverhampton City Council have announced the outcome of high-level discussions over the Building Schools for the Future programme.

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