Charity News

Sgt Causer – The Blogging Bobby: Community Spirit

Community spirit is not dead and Sgt Causer is putting his money – or rather his biking legs, where his mouth is to prove it!

First of all may I apologise for the time elapsed since my last blog. I’ve had a very busy time of late which has delayed this blog.

I had intended to follow up the last blog about PACT with an item about theon line live PACT, however I’ve had the good fortune to be involved in a couple community based events recently which highlighted the huge amount of community spirit in the Wednesfield area.

Firstly there was the Help For Heroes fun day on Moathouse Lane East, organised by Simon Hamilton, a local man, who also happens to work for the Local Neighbourhood Partnerships Office.

Secondly there was the Remembrance Day Parade in Wednesfield organised by the local Royal British Legion.

Thirdly there was the Christmas Light switch on in Wednesfield High Street and the service at Saint Thomas’ Church organised by the Church, Local Schools and Wednesfield Traders amongst others.

Without the dedication and determination of a lot of people, willing to put in a lot of  time and effort none of these events would have happened. All the events were well attended by local residents and by visitors to the area. The Help For Heroes event raised over £1200. The Church at St Thomas’ was packed out for both the Remembrance Service and the Christmas service. Kids and teachers from local Primary Schools sang their hearts out with songs learned especially for the Christmas Service. (To say they put us adults to shame with their talent and enthusiasm is an understatement!).

So why do they do it?

In simple terms it’s because they want to and because they care!

My Gran used to tell me that there’s no Community Spirit any more! It’s not like it was in the 40’s and 50’s! Times were hard! There was rampant unemployment! But people looked after each other!

Well the events I’ve described show that Community Spirit does still exist and is thriving in Wednesfield.

This spirit made me think if I do enough. Like others I attend charity events, I attend my local PACT, the one where I live not just where I work. I give to charity. My personal donations go to the NSPCC, probably because I’m a Dad. But do I do enough?

The answer sadly is probably not! So what can I do? What else can we all do?

It’s not all about organising events to raise money or about giving donations to charities. It’s also about taking care of your neighbours, particularly the elderly.Brighten their day with a simple hello or helping them with carrying their shopping up the footpath to their front door. Simple things that make a difference. Has your neighbour left the sat nav on display in the windscreen of their car? Have they gone to bed and left a downstairs window open? Is it late and your music a bit loud? Simple things like letting your neighbour know about the sat nav, the open window or turning the music down all make a difference.

So what am I doing?

Well along with a number of others (currently about 200!) I’m taking part in the Aberdovey Charity Bike Ride. It’s in June 2012 and starts in Wolverhampton and ends in Aberdovey. Approximately 100 miles.

This will be my first attempt, however the event has been running since 1993. That first year there were 30 riders. In 2011 there were over 300! All riders raise sponsor money all of which goes to local charities. This year the nominated charities are:-

  •  Ben Gannon Appeal
  •  Castle Wheelers (Russells Hall Hospital)
  •  Whizz Kidz (Special Wheelchairs)
  •  Diabetes UK (Walsall Branch)
  •  Black Country Food Bank
  •  Newport Cottage Care Home

So why am I doing it? Simple. To try and give something back to the Community. To prove to my Gran that Community Spirit is alive and well and thriving.


A note from WV11

We at WV11 have had the pleasure of meeting with Sgt Causer at several PACT meetings and other community events and he really is a great man as well as a dedicated police officer with community at the heart of most things he does. So while he hasn’t asked, we would like to urge anyone who can to show their support for him and the rest of the participants in this Charity Ride by donating via the PayPal link on the Aberdovey Bike Ride Website.

Good Luck Simon!

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