After months of roadworks and road closures around Fibbersley, Waddensbrook Lane and Broad Lane, today we’ve received this message from Steve Coventry from Amey:

After months of roadworks and road closures around Fibbersley, Waddensbrook Lane and Broad Lane, today we’ve received this message from Steve Coventry from Amey:
Waddensbrook Lane is now fully open and Broad Lane South closue has been postponed until after the Easter weekend.
Waddensbro0k Lane to reopen and Broad Lane South closure scheduled.
Severn Trent Road Works close Waddensbrook Lane until the summer
Linthouse Lane will be closed to through traffic from 9:30am – 3:30pm for two weeks starting on Monday 29th September 2014.
Road resurfacing work will result in road closures for some in the coming week.